I have just finished reading “Almost Home” by Pam Jenoff. It is the third book of Pam Jenoff that I have read. I am definitely! a big fan of this author and am going to watch for what she is currently writing or going to write in the future.
Very often, before I pick a book up to read, I first have curiosity about the writer, - who is he/she, what is her/his education, in what professional field does he/she work or have worked? I think, it is important to know about an author, as it can greatly impact the quality and content of the story of book.
Sometimes, if the author is unfamiliar to me, simply some facts from his/her biography can cause me to read his book.It happened when I decided to read the first book of Pam Jenoff, - “Kommandant Girl” (and then the “Diplomat Wife”)- I was impressed by her education in contrast to how young she looked on the picture of the book, and it hooked me.
Pam Jenoff has a Law degree, also has a Master degree in history from Cambridge, - this fact impressed me as to how well she is educated and erudite and then I found that she definitely has a very big writing talent.Here is a short overview of “Almost Home”
Overall, I liked this novel very much. It was not the same as her previous novels (Diplomat Wife and Kommandant Girl), which I enjoyed very much. But it was good enough for me to give the highest grade (5 stars from 5). The story by itself is very interesting and hooked me entirely since, I think, the 4th chapter.
As with the previous novels of P.J., I love the main female characters very much, - they are always intelligent, brave, generous, sometime do strange things and act awkwardly, in my opinion. As I usually do with this author, during the entire story, I was not simply reading what was going on with Jordan (the main hero), I become her, and am completely involved emotionally in the intrigue of the story.
The only thing is that I felt a little bit awkward and impatient ,that after the main story finished, on the last pages of the novel we knew some incredible things about Jordan and her former murdered boyfriend, and …then that is all, the book is finished! What will happen then? what will happen with Jordan in contrast with the new and curious facts that she (and we) knew? we can only guess and predict ourselves. Actually, it was the same type of ending as with the previous Pam Jenoff stories - we never know how it finished exactly. May be it is her approach, - she wants us to predict or create our own ending for the main characters, depending on our own imagination…
By the way, I have my own prediction with what will happen with Jordan and her life, but hope to see the continuation of this story in the next book.
30 марта 2009 г. в 09:36
Пост был случайно удалён мной, поэтому пришлось заново его вставаить!:(